Take Leaders
to the Next Level
Coaching Solutions for Every Need
In today's rapidly changing environment, leaders need to deliver business outcomes while developing capabilities to meet future challenges.
Our coaching solutions transform senior, mid-level and upcoming leaders by leveraging the right coaching solutions for their needs.
Our Solutions
Produgie Powered Coaching
Leaders learn best by gaining insights, learning through experience, and receiving coaching and support from others.
Companies need coaching that accelerates this process to help leaders have greater impact, faster.
Produgie Powered Coaching:
Enchances the impact of coaching
Reaches more leaders at an affordable price
Includes the Growth Leader Assesment and 360
Engages stakeholders as part of development
Tracks results through leader analytics
Leader Excelerator Personal Training
Leaders today face greater challenges than ever before. They need to build high-performing teams, influence stakeholders, and have greater impact across their organisations. They also need to develop new mindsets and capabilities to prepare for next-level jobs.
Our Personal Training coaching programme:
Provides coaching and advice
Addresses work challenges to increase leader impact
Equips leaders with new tools and resources
Includes the Growth Leader 360 or a bespoke 360
Executive Partnering
Executives lead increasingly complex strategic and organisation transformation, but often don't have the right personal support they need to succeed.
They need a trusted advisor who can coach, provide feedback, act as a sounding board, and stretch their thinking.
Our Executive Partnering coaching:
Pairs executives with coaches who have extensive leadership experience
Provides deep insight through an interview 360
Builds leadership team capabilities and high performance, if needed
Includes other assessments and tools as needed
Go Beyond Coaching!
Powerful Questions Plus
Coaches ask powerful questions to help leaders gain insight while also providing resources, tools, advice and feedback to stimulate thinking and accelerate development.
Enhanced with Technology
Leaders can access Produgie to understand their Growth Leader Capabilities, conduct a 360, assess Team Alignment, gather stakeholder input and much more.
Focused on Peformance and Potential
Leaders deliver business impact while developing the capabilities and mindset needed to get to the next level.
Measurable Change
Stakeholders are engaged to ensure goals are aligned to company needs and measures track progress.
Case Studies
Measurable Results
Coaching solutions deliver practical and measurable results that leaders value and businesses need.
Increase in capabilities with LEPT coaching
Improvement in team engagement scores following leader coaching
Increased likelihood of transitioning successfully into a new job with coaching

Our highly experienced coaches, located in cities around the world, have led teams in large organisations and have deep business and industry experiences to maximise their impact.