Case Study: A Skills-Based Approach to Leadership Development
Challenge and Highlights: Analytics and Learning Paths
Businesses need to build skills at all levels, but often don't have the tools to enable this. Our global MNC client leveraged Produgie technology to accelerate learning across all levels of management. This provided insights into leadership skills and plans to close skill gaps.
Our client helped leaders personalise their development by:
Identifying Skill Strengths and Gaps
Leaders gained insight into their skills through Produgie's Growth Leader Assessment. We helped the company with analytics to identify skill strengths and gaps by level, division, and geography. This included insights into each leader's natural style and the skills they have learned or can develop.
Choosing a Learning Path
Leaders selected development priorities and L&D provided educational pathways, Sprint templates, and e-learning options that leaders could execute to develop on-the-job. Leaders used Produgie Sprints to structure their learning and gather stakeholder advice and feedback.
Reviewing Progress and Celebrating
Stakeholders rated leader learning and impact at the end of each Sprint. This helped leaders reflect on and celebrate their progress.
With the help of Produgie and analytics support, the company:
Mapped leader skills across the organisation. The company gained deep insight into the skills of its leaders. For example, many of their leaders come from a technical background and their natural style is slightly below benchmark when it comes to energising others. However, the larger issue for these leaders is that they have not developed good strategies or practices to motivate employees or to engage and network with others in the organisation.
Personalised Development. Once they identified who and where they had what skill gaps were, they were able to create programmmes that helped equip managers with the tools they needed to develop and get ready for future roles.
GLA Analytic Snapshot
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